Could Hemp Be the Answer for Cruelty and Plastic Free Furs?

Since the dawn of man, humans have used animal fur to keep warm and protect them from the elements. As society progresses and becomes more sophisticated, the idea of killing an animal solely to keep us warm seems somewhat barbaric. Especially with advancements in fabric technology and clever manufacturing techniques, the modern world has so many other ways of creating functional (and stylish) clothing that we no longer have to kill animals for their skins. 

Many animal skin replacements (often called ‘faux furs’) are created using plastic-based manmade fabrics. As the population becomes increasingly aware of the harmful impact of plastics on the natural world, the use of manmade furs containing plastic comes into question. 

Plant-Based “Fur”

Using hemp to make material has been one of its most common uses in Europe since 1200BC. The most common uses today for hemp are paper production, clothing and textiles. The original Levi’s jeans were made from hemp cloth!

A design company based in the Ukraine has created a fur-like material using the fibres of hemp plants and viscose with a cotton base. This natural plant-based fur is an innovation due to the techniques used to create this fur substitute. 

The company DevoHome says that it differs from synthetic fur because it is simple, plant-based and biodegradable. The hemp fur is created using organic hemp which has been grown without the use of pesticides and herbicides; it’s being embraced by fashion labels and clothes designers who are seeking more sustainable options for creating clothing. Is hemp fur where it’s at? Either way, let’s hope that it signals the end of animal cruelty for fashion once and for all.  

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