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EthicaCBD Product Packaging- How We Help Keep The Planet Pure

We place an uncompromising emphasis on quality in everything that we do here at EthicaCBD. Our research is meticulous, our brand ethics are central to all decisions, and the purity of our products is irrefutable. We are proudly cruelty-free, vegan friendly, and free of toxins and heavy metals at every stage of the production process.

hands in a heart shape holding a jar of cbd skin cream

Whilst creating EthicaCBD’s premium CBD oils and luxury CBD skincare range, it followed suit that our core belief in sustainable and eco-friendly practices formed the foundations of every decision, right down to the packaging. That’s why all of our external packaging (even the tape that seals the boxes) is made from at least 90% recycled material. On top of that, we make sure that the paper we use is FSC certified, biodegradable and recycled wherever possible. We truly care about the planet, and our actions will always reflect that.

Responsible Packaging Producers

The natural world relies on the same fragile things we do to survive; a stable climate and a safe environment in which to live. We are steadfast in our commitment to protecting the world around us so as to safeguard future generations.

When we chose which packaging producer to use it was crucial that they upheld the same stellar standards as us in every process which goes into creating the packaging for our products. Curtis Packaging was the easy choice for us because they boast the packaging industry’s most prestigious standards and certifications and have a watertight environmental policy of which they can be proud. They are certified by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), the PEFCTM (the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), they are also the first company in the UK to achieve the prestigious World Land Trust certified carbon balanced packaging accreditation! The company goes above and beyond to make sure their eco-friendly packaging lives and breathes sustainability through every process, operation, and choice we make.

Take a look at their environmental policy commitments to see why we choosing Curtis as our packaging provider was an easy decision::

  • To identify and use materials/processes which reduce the risk of pollution
  • To promote natural resource conservation by encouraging efficient use of energy, minimum use of raw materials, and use of recycled materials where practical
  • Take a proactive approach to environmental management
  • To minimise discharges, emissions, waste and their effects on the environment while maximising recycling
  • To set annual environmental objectives and targets against which to measure improvements in environmental performance
  • To ensure compliance with environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements
  • To document procedures and continuously monitor progress in environmental performance through regular measurement, review and audit, utilising a management system compliant with ISO 14001
  • To encourage all suppliers and contractors to maintain sound environmental practices
  • To ensure that all employees are made aware of environmental issues on site through a programme of training relevant to their roles.
  • To provide information on our environmental policy to interested parties

Hemp Fibre Packaging

We pack our products in hemp fibre packaging for several reasons

  • Hemp rejuvenates the soil it thrives in and grows without the need for harmful herbicides and pesticides  
  • As well as being a biodegradable fibre, growing hemp requires less than 33% of the water needed for cotton 
  • Hemp yields 220% more fibre than cotton, meaning that less needs to be grown
  • Hemp has low carbon emissions and is also capable of capturing carbon emissions from the atmosphere

Supporting the World Land Trust

Any unavoidable emissions from the production of our packaging are offset by our support to the World Land Trust (WLT). Supporting conservation projects from the WLT balances the carbon impact of the paper we use and helps us to maintain the sustainability that we strive for every day.

Sir David Attenborough encourages support for World Land Trust from Impact CMW on Vimeo.

The World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats acre by acre. WLT funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. Partnerships are developed with established and highly respected local organisations who engage support and commitment among the local community. We are proud to be a local organisation who fully support this important conversation charity.

Recyclable Plastics

We recognise the importance of using as little plastic as possible, so we seek alternatives at every opportunity. There have been times where we could not source a replacement for the plastics we use, but we’re always looking to change that! Our eventual aim is to be entirely plastic-free, but in the meantime we source plastic packaging which is as responsible and sustainable as possible. For example, the plastic tubes we plan to use for our sports gel are made from 100% recycled plastics and are 100% recyclable.

Can You Recycle EthicaCBD Glass Tincture Bottles?

When you regularly use our CBD oils, you’ll likely be left with the empty tincture bottles afterwards and wonder what to do with them. Whilst it’s an easy temptation to throw them away, we urge you to recycle them to help protect the planet. Most homes here in Cornwall have the black glass recycling box from Cornwall Council which is patiently waiting to receive clean tincture bottles for recycling. Just rinse with warm water, remove the dropper attachment, and pop them in the recycling box. 

Recycling glass CBD bottles is just one way to help reduce pollution and stop unnecessary items from going to landfill.

Here are some glass recycling facts that you might not know:

  • Glass recycling is sustainable because glass can continuously be recycled without losing its quality or purity
  • Did you know that for every 6 tons of glass recycled, a ton of carbon dioxide is saved
  • By using recycled glass, 95% of raw materials can be saved
  • Recycling glass saves 2 cubic yards of landfill space according to SMI, making it a truly sustainable resource
  • Recycling glass reduces related air pollution by 20% (and related water pollution by a whopping 50%)

Reusing Glass Tincture Bottles

If your local area doesn’t recycle glass, then why not consider repurposing the tincture bottles once you’ve finished your CBD?

  • Use the bottles as miniature vases for wildflowers to dot around your home
  • Collect the tiny pieces of sea glass from the beach – when stored on a window sill in the tincture bottle, the sun will cast beautiful reflections through the glass
  • Why not use your various glass bottles to collect a sample of sand from each beach you visit over the summer? You can label each one to remember your treasured memories!
  • You could reuse the bottles to make your own aromatic reed diffuser; fill the bottles with your favourite essential oil and insert reed sticks or bamboo skewers in the top
  • Offer them to the local dog/cat home who might find them useful for dispensing medicines to the animals

NB – If you are going to reuse the glass bottles then please make sure that they are thoroughly washed out with warm soapy water first. The labels can be removed by soaking in warm water (or vinegar if sticky!) and gently scrubbed with a rough sponge.

Can You Recycle EthicaCBD Skin Care Jars?

Our luxurious CBD skin care range is a pure example of what clean skin care products should be; nourishing and protecting your skin whilst restoring natural beauty. No stone is left unturned in our search for production techniques which align with our passion for creating the cleanest, most ethical CBD skin care brand available.

So, we know that the product is as clean and toxin-free as can be, what about the glass skin care jars? 

You’ll be glad to know that the glass jars used for our skin care range are made from recycled glass and can be recycled using your local recycling service (as long as they are emptied and cleaned!). You could also reuse your skin care jars creatively using one of these ideas!  

  • Make them into containers for hair bands or other small items
  • Use as a storage jar for your homemade reusable make up wipes (the lid keeps the essential oils and water safe inside when travelling!). 
  • Use glass skin care jars as seedling pots for growing herbs or flowers
  • Store delicious combinations of oils, spices, herbs and fruits for scenting your room
  • Create a cute terrarium

There are so many ways you can repurpose these glass jars, use your imagination and get creative!

cbd facial skin scrub product packaging on the sand

Our Recycled Labels

We’ve gone the extra mile to ensure our oils have labels that are made from recycled paper and that our ink is non-toxic and vegan friendly. The tiny compromise is that these eco-friendly labels might not be quite as resilient as their non-vegan counterparts. But we hope you agree that the risk of a slight smudge is a small price to pay for being able to call our labels cruelty- and plastic-free.

It’s essential to us that we are sustainable and eco-friendly in everything that we do, right down to the product packaging. We hope that by showing you the effort we put into this cause, you’ll see how much we genuinely care about the planet we are so lucky to call home.

Don’t forget to join us on our journey by connecting with our Facebook, twitter and Instagram communities. We’re excited to see all the unique and interesting ways you repurpose our bottles and jars!

EthicaCBD logo cream
Write To Us

Unit 7 Bude Business Centre,
Kings Hill Industrial Estate,
Bude, EX23 8QN,
United Kingdom

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